Ghana’s Commonwealth Games Para Powerlifting Team Arrived in Luton on Sunday For Pre Games Training Camp


Dr Henry Nyanteh Larbi led the delegation to begin the camping, which ActiveLuton and the Luton Council sponsor, till 27th July 2022.

Worthy to note, There shall be a church service at Restoration Revival Fellowship, Luton, on the 24th of July and a Civic reception to be hosted by the Mayor of Luton and the Council to be held on Monday 25th July 2022 at 4 PM at the Town Hall, Luton, LU1 2BQ.

The President of the Ghana Paralympic Committee and Africa has invited members of the Ghanaian Commonwealth Sports Team and Management.

Ghana Paralympic Team will be represented in two sports disciplines, Para Powerlifting Men “Emmanuel Nii Tettey Oku” Women “Vida Antwi” and “Frederick Assor” Track Cycling.

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