FINA becomes World Aquatics as new brand launched


Written by: FINA Communication Department

Melbourne, 12 December 2022; FINA, the Fédération Internationale de Natation, has today become World Aquatics following a vote at an Extraordinary Congress on the eve of the World Swimming Championships (25m) 2022. Over its 114-year history, FINA and its 209 member federations have maintained responsibility for swimmers, artistic swimmers, divers, high divers, open water swimmers and water polo players.

The launch of the World Aquatics brand arrives after a series of major reforms that sees a modern organisation ready to lead and serve athletes united by water, with a broader scope and increased engagement with participants and audiences.

“Everyone in our community is proud of what FINA achieved in developing our sports. As we look to the future, World Aquatics will see all aquatics athletes united for the first time under one brand. The identity of our organisation now focuses on our shared vision: a world united by water, for health, life and sport,” said World Aquatics President Husain Al-Musallam.

“FINA is a French acronym. The word ‘Natation’ represents swimmers. These days, swimmers are only one, important, part of our FINA family. We need a name that reflects the whole FINA family. A name that can be used with pride by our divers, high divers, artistic swimmers, open water swimmers and our water polo athletes.

” I will always tell you that our athletes must come first, so I would never make a big decision like this without consulting our athletes. Their response has been very clear. More than seventy per cent of the athletes that we have spoken with have said that they would like us to change FINA’s name. Many of them could not even tell us what the letters in FINA stand for.”

By World Aquatics President Husain Al-Musallam announcing the new brand for global aquatics

The adoption of the World Aquatics name was confirmed by a vote of member federations at an Extraordinary Congress in Melbourne earlier today. It marks the culmination of 18 months of intensive organisational transformation, much of it guided by the FINA Reform Committee. During this process, World Aquatics has made very significant improvements to its governance, including the strengthening of the athletes’ voice in decision-making and the creation of an independent Aquatics Integrity Unit.

“World Aquatics will continue to deliver and develop the rewarding competition calendar that has become the foundation of successful elite careers while being the subject of dreams and ambitions for millions of young aquatics athletes all around the globe,” continued Al-Musallam.

“Our new vision and mission also reflect how World Aquatics and our members have already begun expanding our work beyond competition and swimming as a life skill, to include sustainability, environmental advocacy and wellbeing. Our new brand and visual identity will also enable us to connect with new audiences and encourage new generations of athletes across our disciplines to be united by water, safely, fairly and sustainably.”

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