“Fianoo and others are sabotaging Ashanti Gold,” club president Kwaku Frimpong alleges


The Miners chief believes the club is facing a lot of forces leading to their struggles in the Premier League this season

Ashanti Gold president Kwaku Frimpong has alleged that Ghalca Chairman Kudjoe Fianoo has formed alliance with some individuals to frustrate his actions.

Fianoo, who previously held the chief executive officer role of Ashanti Gold, has been bashing the current leadership of the club following match fixing and manipulation allegations levelled against Ashanti Gold.

Last weekend, Ashanti Gold were thumped 4-1 at home by Eleven Wonders which has further deepened the allegations.

However, Frimpong believes Fianoo and others are bent on destroying his hard earned reputation.

“We are aware of what Kudjoe Fianoo and those alleging are doing.

“They frustrate every attempt to win sponsors with the betting and match fixing tag. We are all aware of what they’re doing, but choose to ignore them.

“They scare our sponsors away. Which is evil. They should stop this sabotage because it’s not good,” he added.

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