EXCLUSIVE: Fifa bans Ghana Premier League side Medeama [Read statement]


The Yellow and Mauves cannot register new players should they win the topflight this season following a ban by Fifa

Fifa has placed a transfer ban on Ghana Premier League side Medeama following a breach of contract with former player Amed ‘Simba’ Toure, AshesGyamera.com can confirm.

The 36-year-old joined Medeama in a two-year contract in 2021 following his stint with Guinean top-flight side AS Kaloum but reported the club to Fifa in July 2022 citing unfair treatment among others.

In January 2023, Fifa ordered Medeama SC to pay Amed Toure an amount of GHS101,500 for wrongfully terminating his contract but the Tarkwa-based club failed to meet the deadline which has led to the ban.

“We refer to the above-mentioned matter and acknowledge receipt of the attached correspondence for the parties perusal.
We take due note that in its correspondence, the creditor informs us that the respondent, the club Medeama SC, has not complied with its financial obligations in accordance with the decision of Fifa,” a statement from Fifa sighted by AshesGyamera.com read.

“In this regard, we wish to inform the parties that a ban from registering new players internationally has been implemented by Fifa as of today.

“Moreover and in accordance with the aforementioned decision, respondent’s member association (Ghana FA) is requested to immediately implement on the respondent, the club Medeama SC, a ban from registering new players at national level,” the statement from Fifa added.

Medeama currently sit second on Ghana Premier League log with only two points behind Aduana Stars. Should they win the league title, they will not be able to register new players to compliment their squad for Caf Champions League unless Fifa lifts the ban.

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