Bolgatanga: Fetish priest who sacrificed wife and daughter sentenced to death


Mbawona Tindana was arrested in 2019 for allegedly killing his wife and daughter and sacrificing them to his gods

A fetish priest from Kulpelga in Tongo in the Talensi district of the Upper East Region has been sentenced to death by the Bolgatanga High Court for killing his wife and daughter.

The fetish priest was found guilty by a seven-member Jury.

Mbawona Tindana, 37, was arrested in 2019 for allegedly killing his wife; Talata Abigail Kurug (25), and daughter; Nyapoka Mbawona Tindana (2), and sacrificing them to his gods.

He chopped their heads off with an axe after accusing both wife and daughter of witchcraft, facts of the case said.

Tindana was arraigned before the Bolgatanga High Court and charged by the State with two counts of murder; unlawfully and intentionally causing the death of his wife and daughter, contrary to sections of the Criminal offences Act of 1960, Act 29.

His Lordship Charles Adjei Wilson, the Regional Supervising High Court Judge, who presided over the case, passed judgement after the seven-member Jury arrived at a verdict.

He was sentenced to death.

Tindana will be kept at the Navrongo central prison while he awaits his fate.

Senyalah Castro

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