Ignore all the fake stories and rumours – Danlad opens up on future


The former Porcupine Warriors goalkeeper has insisted he is yet to finalise his future following his departure from Kumasi

Former Asante Kotoko shot-stopper Danlad Ibrahim has refuted rumours surrounding his future following his departure from the Kumasi-based club.

The 21-year-old ended his stay with the Porcupine Warriors following the expiration of his contract and has been rumoured to be closer to sealing a deal with rivals Hearts of Oak who are searching every corner to solve their goalkeeping woes.

Aside Hearts, Premier League champions Samartex and FA Cup winners Nsoatreman who are also preparing for their maiden participation in CAF Champions League and Confederation Cup respectively have been reported as the other suitors.

“I have left everything to my management because I need time to focus. All the offers I have received are in the hands of my management,” Danlad said in an interview with Kessben TV.

“For now, I can boldly say I have not signed for any club. I’m innocent about all the rumours going around. My manager is currently not in Ghana so we will decide on my next move when he comes,” he added.

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