Gay party turns bloody as landlord flees for life in Kumasi


The beleaguered landlord had to run for his life as his house was turned into a crime scene following an alleged gay party organised by some occupants

There was a chaotic scene at Atwima Afrancho, a suburb of Ashanti regional capital Kumasi on February 23, 2023 when rumours started flying that some individuals alleged to be part of the LGBTQ group or homosexuals held an illegal party in the hood a night before.

This, according an eyewitness, led to a near death situation when a section of the youth in the area, took the laws into their hands and acted in a manner that posed danger to the alleged homosexuals.

A gentleman, named Hughes Columban nearly met his untimely death as the angry youth in the area later turned their frustrations on him. It was later revealed that Columban was attacked because he was identified as the owner of the house and did not do enough background checks on the people he rented out his facility to hence, helping them to engage in ungodly acts.

Ghana Police Service patrol team in the area had to intervene after they were alerted before peace could temporarily be restored 

“Mr. Columban wasn’t attacked because he is gay or wants to be a gay,” and eyewitness told in an interview.

“He was attacked because the youth believe he is aiding these people to practice an act that is against the laws of the country and traditions. As a well respected individual in the community, he should have done some background checks on people he rents his house out to because gays and lesbians are threat to the society and country as a whole.

“He was lucky to have escaped and it is a wake up call to all landlords in the area. They should do the needful and not always prioritise money over the general well being of the people in the area,” the witness added.

The case has been sent to the Ghana Police Service headquarters in Kumasi pending further investigations.

It should be noted that homesexuality is a forbidden act in Ghana and many African countries. An anti LGBTQ bill is currently in the process to become a law in Ghana parliament to help curb down homosexuals activities.

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