Court sentence & fine GFA General Secretary Prosper Addo & Tophic Sienu in contempt case


The duo were convicted of crimes by the High Court on Tuesday and have been slapped with huge fines

An Accra High Court on Tuesday has found Ghana Football Association General Secretary Prosper Harrison Addo and Division One League Board Member Sheikh Tophic Sienu guilty for contempt of court following their comments on radio and social media in a case involving the Football Association and demoted Ashanti Gold FC.

The duo, Addo and Tophic, were charged on the grounds of contempt and and fined 2000 and 1000 penalty units which equalled GHC 24,000 and 12,000 cedis respectively and in default, a 14-day imprisonment in both cases would take effect.

However, the judge sitting on the case in court acquitted and discharged a total number of 12 other defendants from Ghana FA which were led by the president Kurt E.S Okraku.

The court insisted that unlike the others, Prosper Harrison Addo (in his personal capacity) and Sheikh Tophic Abdul-Kadir Sienu were liable for comments made in interviews and on Facebook, respectively.

The contempt case filed against the Executive Council Members of the GFA was by Ashanti Gold FC for commencing the 2022/2023 Betpawa Premier League despite an interlocutory injunction.

The Obuasi-based club argued that they were unfairly demoted to Division Two for an alleged match fixing scandal with Inter Allies and were praying for the Executive Council Members to be imprisoned for what they describe as disregard for the dignity, respect, and authority of the court.

The case will continue later with final hearing expected and promises to bring you all the latest updates in the offing.

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