Fifa opens Media Accreditation for 2022 World Cup; check all what you need to get one [VIDEO]


The World’s football governing body has officially opened accreditation process for the upcoming mundial holding in Qatar

Fifa has officially opened accreditation process for 2022 World Cup to be staged in Qatar between November and December.

The accreditation process was opened on Tuesday June 28 and will close on August 15 where no new request will be accepted.

Fifa has now given all member associations the power to assist journalists with the accreditation process. As a result, each journalist who aspires to cover the tournament must first request for a unique control key issued to them by the country’s FA before the accreditation page will be opened.

Below is a video explaining all the process including how to create a Fifa account on the Media Hub if you’re yet to have your own account.

Ghana have been paired with Portugal, South Korea and Uruguay in Group H

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